Cookies Policy

This page provides the cookie policy for users who visit the site (hereinafter the "Site").

1. Data Controller
The data controller is Marina Raffaelli for Magata Project and can be contacted at the e-mail address

2. What are cookies
The site can send cookies to the user who accesses it, that is, small text files with the functions better described below:

Technical cookies - Technical cookies are necessary for the functioning of the site as they allow or make navigation easier. For this reason, they are considered strictly necessary and cannot be disabled, nor do they require the user's prior consent.

Analytical cookies - Analytical cookies collect information on navigation in aggregate form for statistical purposes, relating to the number of users who visit the site and how they use it.

Marketing and profiling cookies - Profiling cookies track users' browsing and create a profile of their habits, which can then be used to send advertising messages to the user's device.

Third-party cookies - They come from other websites or from advertising circuits and therefore from third parties with respect to the Data Controller and can be sent to your device following navigation on this site. These cookies are not strictly necessary for navigation, however, by denying consent to the sending of third-party cookies, some advanced features, such as sharing on social networks, may be prevented. Since these cookies are connected to other websites, the relative privacy policies will be different from that given here by the Data Controller and for which, therefore, the latter is not responsible. To ensure that the data processed on this site are not linked to the data subject's profile on each external service (such as social networks), it is recommended that you log out of external services.

Third-party analytical cookies used as technical cookies - Third-party analytical cookies, if used for site optimization purposes, to collect information in aggregate form on the number of users and how they visit the site, can be assimilated to technical cookies . In this case and when anonymization measures are adopted, analytical cookies are necessary to allow the owner of the site to improve the functioning of the site and the user experience on the site and therefore do not require consent.

3. What cookies we use

Your consent applies to the following domains:

The below list details the cookies used in our website.

4. How we treat cookies
The treatment is carried out with automated tools by the Data Controller. No dissemination or communication is made.

5. Data provision and consent - Disabling cookies
With the exception of technical cookies strictly necessary for normal navigation, the provision of data is left to the will of the interested party who decides to browse the site after having read the brief information contained in the appropriate banner and to use the services that involve the 'installation of cookies.
The user can therefore refuse the installation of unnecessary cookies through the banner or through the appropriate browser functions. Below are links to practical information for the most common and used browsers:

Microsoft Windows Explorer:
Google Chrome:
Mozilla Firefox:
Apple Safari:

6. Third Party Sites
The third-party sites that can be accessed from the Site are not covered by this information. The owner declines any responsibility regarding them. The categories of cookies used and the type of processing of personal data by these companies are regulated in accordance with the information provided by these companies.

7. Information on the processing of personal data
For more information on the processing of personal data collected on this site by the Data Controller or to consult the section relating to the rights of the interested party, you can consult the Privacy Policy of the website available at the link:

Last updated: October 2023